Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Powerful Lamps with an Extremely Long Life

Powerful Lamps with an Extremely Long Life

LED Lighting Project: National Gallery

The Na­tio­nal Gal­le­ry in Lon­don is one of the world's most im­portant art gal­le­ries. Its de­ci­si­on to go for ERCO's LED light­ing makes it an even grea­ter lea­ding light in more ways than one.

Wil­kins Buil­ding - Wil­liam Wil­kins (1778-1839); Sains­bu­ry Wing - Ro­bert Ven­tu­ri & De­ni­se Scott Brown, Phil­adel­phia.

Rudi Mei­sel, Ber­lin


Lighting solutions

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The Na­tio­nal Gal­le­ry is home to one of the world's most be­au­ti­ful and ex­ten­si­ve collec­tions of Eu­ropean pain­ting. Over 2300 pain­tings from the mid-13th to the 19th cen­tu­ry await the vi­si­tor. Alt­hough foun­ded in 1824, the gal­le­ry did not move to its cur­rent lo­ca­ti­on at Tra­fal­gar Squa­re until 1838. The most com­pre­hen­si­ve ex­ten­si­on was made in 1991 with the opening of the Sains­bu­ry Wing, de­si­gned by Ven­tu­ri, Scott Brown & As­so­cia­tes. This took the ex­hi­bi­ti­on area up to today's level of 46,396s­qm. A staff of 600, in­clu­ding world-re­now­ned re­se­ar­chers, con­ser­va­tio­nists and res­to­rers, looks after the art­works and the vi­si­tors.

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Be­fo­re de­ci­ding to go for an LED light­ing so­lu­ti­on from ERCO, the tech­ni­cal ma­nage­ment of the Na­tio­nal Gal­le­ry con­duc­ted ex­ten­si­ve tes­ting on the in­no­va­ti­ve light­ing tools both in the his­to­ric sky-lit gal­le­ries (left) and in the Sains­bu­ry Wing (below). In terms of il­lu­mi­nan­ce and co­lour ren­di­ti­on, the Optec spot­lights with warm white LEDs pro­ved to be of equal light­ing qua­li­ty to the exis­ting so­lu­ti­on with low-vol­ta­ge ha­lo­gen lamps, but were many times more ef­fi­ci­ent. It was found that, as a rule, a 100W ha­lo­gen spot­light could be re­pla­ced by a 14W LED- spot­light. The long ser­vice life of LEDs also saves main­ten­an­ce costs.

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Lighting tools used

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ERCO track


The Guide sec­tion pro­vi­des tho­rough in­for­ma­ti­on on ever­y­thing from the phy­si­cal bases of light­ing to sug­gested so­lu­ti­ons for dif­fe­rent light­ing si­tua­ti­ons. The in­ter­ac­tive know­ledge mo­du­les vi­vid­ly il­lus­tra­te light­ing so­lu­ti­ons that are pos­si­ble with this pro­duct range.

LED Lighting Project: National Gallery_6Accentuation

Em­pha­si­sing ob­jects to attract at­ten­ti­on

LED Lighting Project: National Gallery_7Track

Tracks as the basis for fle­xi­ble light­ing de­sign

LED Lighting Project: National Gallery_8Spotlights

Fle­xi­ble lu­mi­n­ai­res for tracks to pro­du­ce ac­cent light­ing

LED Lighting Project: National Gallery_9Object

Eye-catching light­ing ef­fects for ob­jects in the room and pic­tu­res

LED Lighting Project: National Gallery_10LED

Power­ful lamps with an ex­tre­me­ly long life


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LED Lighting Project: National Gallery
Topics: Lighting