Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Wiesbadener Volksbank-Private Banking

Wiesbadener Volksbank-Private Banking

Wiesbadener Volksbank - Private Banking

The Pri­va­te Ban­king de­part­ment of the Wies­ba­de­ner Volks­bank has found its home in a his­to­ric villa - which is sce­ni­cal­ly il­lu­mi­na­ted in pres­ti­gious fa­shion at night using ERCO's LED tech­no­lo­gy.

Light­ing de­si­gner:
Arne Fied­ler, Wies­ba­den

Dirk Vogel, Dort­mund


LED Lighting Project: Wiesbadener Volksbank - Private Banking_1

Such buil­dings with his­to­ri­cal fa­ca­des that are rich­ly par­ti­tio­ned re­al­ly lend them­sel­ves to light­ing con­cepts that em­pha­sise this par­ti­tio­n­ing and bring out in­di­vi­du­al fea­tures. The re­sult is a pres­ti­gious night-ti­me ap­pearan­ce that does jus­ti­ce to the use of the buil­ding.

A par­ti­cu­lar­ly ef­fi­ci­ent light­ing tool for this de­sign ap­proach is the Kubus LED fa­ca­de lu­mi­n­ai­re, which with its gra­zing beam of light adds attrac­tive ac­cents - it is also main­ten­an­ce-free and has mi­ni­mum en­er­gy con­sump­ti­on. 

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 In ad­di­ti­on to the sce­ni­cal­ly il­lu­mi­na­ted fa­ca­de, the light­ing con­cept also in­clu­des the steps and front gar­den of the re-ap­pro­pria­ted villa. Here, the light­ing de­si­gners used both Pan­ora­ma bol­lard lu­mi­n­ai­res and Mi­di­poll bol­lard lu­mi­n­ai­res with LEDs, which, in a par­ti­cu­lar­ly en­er­gy-ef­fi­ci­ent man­ner, also de­linea­te the space.
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Light­ing de­sign:
Arne Fied­ler, Wies­ba­den

Lighting tools used

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The Guide sec­tion pro­vi­des tho­rough in­for­ma­ti­on on ever­y­thing from the phy­si­cal bases of light­ing to sug­gested so­lu­ti­ons for dif­fe­rent light­ing si­tua­ti­ons. The in­ter­ac­tive know­ledge mo­du­les vi­vid­ly il­lus­tra­te light­ing so­lu­ti­ons that are pos­si­ble with this pro­duct range.
LED Lighting Project: Wiesbadener Volksbank - Private Banking_8Dark Sky

Ef­fec­tive light­ing con­cepts and me­thods for il­lu­mi­na­ti­on at night

LED Lighting Project: Wiesbadener Volksbank - Private Banking_9LED

Power­ful lamps with an ex­tre­me­ly long life


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LED Lighting Project: Wiesbadener Volksbank - Private Banking
Topics: Lighting