Trade Resources Industry Knowledge The Introduction of Green Parking Lots

The Introduction of Green Parking Lots

In every city there is a parking lot to park your vehicles and if you are looking for an affordable option that makes right use of landscape, than choose green park lots. By using natural drainage landscapes and permeable paving, green parking lots reduces the runoff that is normally discharged into the local water bodies.

There are several options for designing the green parking lots. The common things used in all options are permeable pavements and natural drainage landscape. The porous concrete, grid system and porous asphalt are included in permeable paving and the grid system has rigid plastic forms that are filled with soil or gravel and vegetation depending on the area it has been used. Through the voids of the permeable surface, these pavements allow rain to infiltrate when installed over the drainage stored bed.

Another thing used is natural drainage landscape which includes rain gardens and bio swales. Bio- swales acts as a filter to filter the storm water flows through the vegetation to the discharge point whereas rain gardens are designed to infiltrate and hold the runoff. It can help to reduce the volume of runoff generated from its for slower discharge.

We are major part of our environment and are public places that have great impact on our city structure and design. To maintain balance in our ecosystem we need to think at once while developing a parking lot in the city, it should include something that not only allow drivers to park their cars but also offers different variety of public uses. It is the first place in almost every building or a gateway through which employees, customers and visitors enter into the building.

So here we need to be thoughtful while developing such an important part of environment. Green infrastructure is the ideal way to build parking lots with ecosystem issue consideration. The benefits from green are:

 It reduces overall facility cost and capital cost by achieving water quality treatments and flow control requirements

 It can enhance the protection of nearby water bodies

 It can achieve water quality treatment

 Enhance parking requirements

 Improves city and place environment

 Spread greenery in the surroundings

 Reduce temperature by providing shades to the parked cars and pavement

 Provide attractive onsite storm water management

 Creates people friendly and more aesthetically pleasing environment

 Reduce air pollution

 Reduce the formation of greenhouse gases

 Stays last longer as trees acts as a cooler for pavement surface

The additional advantage of having green parking lots is that it can serve as a community spaces for bike riding, fairs and farmer markets when the space is not used for parking.

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Benefits of Green Parking Lots
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