Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Small Wind Generators Are The Type That Can Be Sold as a Kit

Small Wind Generators Are The Type That Can Be Sold as a Kit

Small wind generators are the type that can be sold as a kit and erected by the do it yourself inclined home or business owner. They range anywhere from 10 kilowatts down to units that produce less than one kilowatt, but can be setup on a boat or while camping. The latter type can actually be had for less than a thousand dollars, which is an amazing price for the potential. Another benefit of small wind generators is that they can be placed in many locations unsuitable for a larger generator. Most cities have zoning ordinances that prohibit structures in excess of a certain height. Appealing those restrictions or requesting a waiver is a lengthy and expensive process. The smaller generators however, can be placed in a yard without breaking zoning laws. The amount of labor required to set up a small wind generator is significantly less than a large scale wind farm would take. This is because the ratio of foundation to height increases exponentially. Just look at the foundations required for a skyscraper! The hole those buildings fit into goes several stories beneath the ground; and the anchors for the building extend even deeper than the lowest subfloor. A wind turbine has no superstructure to reinforce the integrity above ground, so the foundation must be that much firmer. Source:

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Small Wind Generators