Cotton Dog House
It is generally small size and suitable for indoor small dogs!
Plastic Dog House
It is usually small and suitable for indoor small dogs, should not be used in outdoors. The plastic dog house can be cracked by temperature, also there are some problems in physique, heat preservation and environmental protection.
Iron / Brick Dog House
They are more usually DIY.
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Wooden Dog House
Wood, as a kind of eternal building materials, energy saving, environmental protection, insulation, high stability, warm in winter and cool in summer, etc. Test results show that the 150 mm thick wooden wall, its heat preservation ability is equivalent to 610 mm thick. Wooden dog house are used in the outdoor and indoor, but in outdoor, the wood should be through anti-corrosion waterproof processing, and around 5 years service life.
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History of The Dog House
Believe it or not but dog houses have been around in one form or another for thousands of years.
Archaeological evidence shows that dogs were quite prevalent in ancient Egypt (going back to 4500 BC or so) and were often held in high esteem as pets and hunting partners. Some dogs were even considered to be messengers of the gods. Egyptian nobility kept their hounds in mud-brick kennels, where the dogs were trained and cared for by professional dog trainers. These are some of the earliest known dog houses in the historical record. view more
Dog House Terminology
Written by Dora Men