The Dodecado table lamp uses LED lighting, but in a different manner than you may have seen before. The infinitely rearrangeable design of the Dodecado table lamp allows its users to stack, completely rearrange, and even change the colors of this energetic new design.
Source: Kickstarter
No longer will you be forced to stare at a table lamp with a design that you have become bored with, now with the use of low heat, long lasting LEDs and magnets changing the design is as easy as playing with building blocks. Ledamp Industries is now taking pledges on Kickstarter to bring these dynamic lights to market. Watch their upbeat video below and/or visit their Kickstarter page for more information: Dodecado
Video: Dodecado: Light up your space one block at a time
Source: Kickstarter
Source: Kickstarter
Source: Kickstarter