Trade Resources Industry Knowledge LEDs Have Absolute Switching Stability and Are Capable of Hot Re-Strike.

LEDs Have Absolute Switching Stability and Are Capable of Hot Re-Strike.

ERCO LED lighting control

Con­trol cha­rac­te­ris­tics of LEDs
The op­ti­mum swit­ching and dim­ming be­ha­viour of LEDs makes them ideal for in­te­gra­ti­on in elec­tro­nic light­ing sys­tems such as Light Sys­tem DALI. LEDs have ab­so­lu­te swit­ching sta­bi­li­ty and are ca­pa­ble of hot re-strike. They can be con­ti­nuous­ly dim­med from 100% to 1% - wi­thout any of the ne­ga­ti­ve ef­fects as­so­cia­ted with other lamps, such as the ef­fect on light­ing co­lour, co­lour ren­di­ti­on or func­tio­nal life. For this re­a­son the ma­jo­ri­ty of ERCO´s LED light­ing tools are also avail­able as Light Cli­ents, i.e. with DA­LI-com­pa­ti­ble con­trol gear. In­di­vi­dual­ly ad­dressa­ble lu­mi­n­ai­res, power­ful soft­ware and a wide va­rie­ty of in­ter­faces for swit­ches and sen­sor tech­no­lo­gy all come to­ge­ther in Light Sys­tem DALI, to com­bi­ne sce­no­gra­phic light­ing with ef­fi­ci­ent vi­su­al com­fort. 

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The bright­ness of LED lu­mi­n­ai­res can be con­ti­nuous­ly ad­jus­ted. The mas­ter dim­ming func­tion in the Light Chan­ger+ also al­lows the over­all bright­ness of a selec­ted light scene to be re­gu­la­ted. Un­li­ke other lamps, co­lour tem­pe­ra­tu­re and co­lour ren­di­ti­on re­main con­stant with LEDs.

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Co­lour tem­pe­ra­tu­re
Light Cli­ents with the RGBW LED mo­du­le are dis­play­ed in Light Stu­dio with the 4-chan­nel va­rychro­me at­tri­bu­te. The co­lour tem­pe­ra­tu­re can be in­fi­ni­te­ly ad­jus­ted over a wide range using the re­le­vant sli­der con­trol in the soft­ware.

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Co­lou­red light
For use with DA­LI-com­pa­ti­ble va­rychro­me tech­no­lo­gy lu­mi­n­ai­res, Light Stu­dio fea­tures a co­lour wheel. This fa­mi­li­ar and user-fri­end­ly con­trol for in­fi­ni­te RGB co­lour mi­xing pro­vi­des an in­tui­ti­ve and in­ter­ac­tive means of selec­ting the light co­lours. It re­li­e­ves the user from the te­dious task of ha­ving to input se­pa­ra­te dim­mer set­tings for the in­di­vi­du­al co­lour com­po­n­ents.

DALI plug and play

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Every Light Cli­ent, i.e. every DA­LI-com­pa­ti­ble ERCO lu­mi­n­ai­re, is sup­p­lied by the fac­to­ry with a di­gi­tal code pre-pro­gram­med in its DALI con­trol gear. The lu­mi­n­ai­re ID con­ta­ins the ar­ti­cle and se­ri­al num­bers for the spe­cial user-fri­end­ly func­tions when com­mis­sio­ning, pro­gramming and ope­ra­ting Light Sys­tem DALI . The Light Stu­dio soft­ware iden­ti­fies the type of lu­mi­n­ai­re and pro­vi­des the ap­pro­pria­te in­for­ma­ti­on and func­tions.

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Control of varychrome rings 

Quint­es­sence re­ces­sed lu­mi­n­ai­res with va­rychro­me rings are de­si­gned for user-fri­end­ly con­trol via Light Sys­tem DALI. In this type of lu­mi­n­ai­re, the pri­ma­ry light sour­ce and the va­rychro­me ring form two dis­tinct tech­ni­cal light­ing sys­tems each with their own de­di­ca­ted DALI con­trol gear. As a Light Cli­ent, the lu­mi­n­ai­re is fac­to­ry en­coded with a uni­que lu­mi­n­ai­re ID, al­lo­wing the Light Stu­dio soft­ware to au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly re­co­gnise the lu­mi­n­ai­re as a uni­que en­t­i­ty and to cle­ar­ly as­si­mi­la­te the data. The co­lour of light in the va­rychro­me ring can be ea­si­ly ad­jus­ted using the co­lour wheel in the soft­ware and dy­na­mic pro­gres­si­ons can be pro­gram­med in just a few mouse clicks.

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In lu­mi­n­ai­res with va­rychro­me ring, the light for the va­rychro­me ring is ad­jus­ted se­pa­ra­te­ly. For in­stan­ce, dim­med light can be selec­ted for the am­bi­ent light­ing ef­fect and a ring of co­lou­red light as a de­co­ra­ti­ve attrac­tion.

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To enable a se­pa­ra­te ad­just­ment of bright­ness and light­ing co­lour, this type of lu­mi­n­ai­re has two se­pa­ra­te sets of DALI con­trol gear. Through these en­coded con­trol gear units the lu­mi­n­ai­re is re­co­gnis­ed as an en­t­i­ty by the sys­tem, to sim­pli­fy pro­gramming.

Light Studio software

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Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween IT en­gi­neers and de­si­gners at ERCO has re­sul­ted in a power­ful pa­cka­ge of hard­ware and soft­ware for user-fri­end­ly light­ing con­trol.

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Pre-de­fi­ned light sce­nes make it ea­sier for the light­ing de­si­gner to in­spect the light­ing in­stal­la­ti­on. The Light Stu­dio soft­ware has a clear user in­ter­face, en­ab­ling rapid con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of light sce­nes through to ti­me-con­trol­led light se­quen­ces.

The Light Stu­dio soft­ware makes it easy to set up light­ing in­stal­la­ti­ons with Light Sys­tem DALI and makes its com­plex func­tions avail­able in a user-fri­end­ly for­mat. It con­sists of five mo­du­les: The Light Mas­ter mo­du­le is used for edit­ing and ma­na­ging the light sce­nes. The Light Book is used for or­ga­ni­sing and struc­tu­ring Light Stu­dio pro­jects. The Light Timer mo­du­le al­lows light sce­nes to be re­cal­led at pre-de­fi­ned times. The Light Se­quen­cer is a tool for de­fi­ning the chro­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gres­si­on of light sce­nes. Fi­nal­ly, the func­tions in the Light Kee­per mo­du­le sup­port the user in plan­ning main­ten­an­ce and help uti­li­se the po­ten­ti­al for sa­ving en­er­gy.

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The Light Chan­ger+ PC soft­ware makes the user-in­ter­face of a Light Chan­ger+ avail­able to ope­ra­te Light Sys­tem DALI on a PC.

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The spe­cial func­tions in the Light Kee­per mo­du­le pro­vi­de users with a par­ti­cu­lar­ly con­ve­ni­ent means to rea­li­se the en­er­gy-sa­ving po­ten­ti­al of their light­ing in­stal­la­ti­on with the help of in­tel­li­gent light­ing con­trol.

Energy saving through lighting control

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Sen­sor tech­no­lo­gy gives Light Sys­tem DALI sys­tems the ca­pa­bi­li­ty to adapt to chan­ging in­flu­en­ces in the sur­roun­dings. Via the Light Stu­dio soft­ware, the re­le­vant light sce­nes can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly pro­gram­med and made de­pen­dent on the rea­dings from the sen­sors. In this con­text, DA­LI-com­pa­ti­ble LED light­ing tools, both through their high lu­mi­nous ef­fi­ca­cy and through their op­ti­mal con­trol­la­bi­li­ty, cont­ri­bu­te to light­ing so­lu­ti­ons with ef­fi­ci­ent vi­su­al com­fort.

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User-de­pen­dent light­ing con­trol
The light­ing is ad­jus­ted to suit per­so­nal re­qui­re­ments.

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Ti­me-de­pen­dent light­ing con­trol
The light­ing is plan­ned around time pro­gres­si­ons and ca­len­dar events with au­to­ma­ti­on op­ti­mi­sing en­er­gy usage.

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Day­light-de­pen­dent light­ing con­trol
The light­ing is ad­jus­ted to suit the avail­able day­light using an out­door sen­sor.

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Bright­ness-de­pen­dent light­ing con­trol
The il­lu­mi­nan­ce level is kept con­stant ta­king both na­tu­ral and ar­ti­fi­ci­al light­ing into ac­count.

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Pre­sence-de­pen­dent light­ing con­trol
The light­ing is dim­med or swit­ched using a pre­sence de­tec­tor or mo­ti­on sen­sor.

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Con­sump­ti­on-de­pen­dent light­ing con­trol
To re­du­ce peak loads, the light­ing is dim­med de­pen­dent on total en­er­gy con­sump­ti­on.

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Tem­pe­ra­tu­re-de­pen­dent light­ing con­trol
In order to limit the ther­mal load with re­gard to the air-con­di­tio­n­ing, dim­ming of the light­ing is made de­pen­dent on tem­pe­ra­tu­re.

Use of sensors

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Day­light-de­pen­dent con­trol
A ty­pi­cal ap­p­li­ca­ti­on for the ana­lo­gue in­puts is the day­light-de­pen­dent con­trol. An ex­ter­nal sen­sor con­trols an ana­lo­gue value in re­s­pon­se to day­light con­di­ti­ons. The sen­sor's range of va­lues allow up to 12 swit­ching thres­holds to be set in Light Stu­dio. The sen­sor´s ana­lo­gue value trig­gers the ap­pro­pria­te scene or se­quence when a thres­hold value is ex­cee­ded.

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One ap­p­li­ca­ti­on for ex­ter­nal sen­sors: day­light-de­pen­dent con­trol of mu­se­um light­ing.

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Sen­sor tech­no­lo­gy and en­er­gy sa­ving re­gu­la­ti­ons
In many parts of the world, le­gis­la­ti­on is cur­rent­ly being in­tro­du­ced to save en­er­gy in buil­dings. Such pro­vi­si­ons al­re­a­dy fre­quent­ly pre­scri­be the use of pre­sence de­tec­tors and con­stant light re­gu­la­ti­on to de­fi­ned re­fe­rence va­lues. They the­re­fo­re re­qui­re the in­stal­la­ti­on of an ap­pro­pria­te light­ing con­trol sys­tem as a pre­re­qui­si­te for the prac­tical im­ple­men­ta­ti­on. The re­sult is that ef­fi­ci­ent vi­su­al com­fort through in­tel­li­gent light­ing con­trol is made a man­da­to­ry part of light­ing de­sign.

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Using day­light to save en­er­gy and costs: with the con­stant light re­gu­la­ti­on of Light Sys­tem DALI.

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Connection of media technology

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Ether­net can be used to con­nect the Light Sys­tem DALI with stan­dard media tech­no­lo­gy con­trols. Many func­tions of Light Sys­tem DALI can be con­trol­led using a do­cu­men­ted pro­gramming in­ter­face. Media con­trols from the ma­nu­fac­tu­rer AMX are com­pa­ti­ble with Light Stu­dio.


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