Trade Resources Industry Knowledge The GANT Flagship Store Located in The Mys?L?Bek Shop?Ping Cent?Re Uses LED Lighting

The GANT Flagship Store Located in The Mys?L?Bek Shop?Ping Cent?Re Uses LED Lighting

LED Lighting Project: GANT flagship store


GANT flagship store

The GANT flagship store located in the Myslbek shopping centre in Prague exclusively uses LED lighting. Brilliant light, energy savings and long life are only some of the key advantages of efficient LED technology.

The GANT flagship store lo­ca­ted in the Mys­l­bek shop­ping cent­re in Pra­gue ex­clu­si­ve­ly uses LED light­ing. Bril­li­ant light, en­er­gy sa­vings and long life are only some of the key ad­van­ta­ges of ef­fi­ci­ent LED tech­no­lo­gy.

GANT Store De­sign Dept.

Edgar Zip­pel


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Lo­go­tec LED spot­lights pro­vi­de sce­nic light­ing for pro­ducts dis­play­ed in the shop win­dow. The in­no­va­ti­ve light­ing tech­no­lo­gy with ex­ch­an­ge­able Sphe­ro­lit len­ses pro­du­ces light dis­tri­bu­ti­ons ran­ging from nar­row spot to wide flood.

The beam of the LED spot­lights is free of in­fra­red com­po­n­ents and spill light: for less heat ge­ne­ra­ti­on and stron­ger con­trasts in the shop win­dow.

Two Lo­go­tec 14W LED spot­lights each ac­cen­tua­te a man­ne­quin with an il­lu­mi­nan­ce of al­most 5000lx. The pro­duct pre­sen­ta­ti­on stands out due to ex­cep­tio­nal mo­del­ling and bril­li­an­ce. 

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The light­ing con­cept of the Gant flagship store is based on wall­wa­shing and down­lights for ex­cel­lent il­lu­mi­na­ti­on of the shel­ves and a plea­sant spa­ti­al bright­ness in com­bi­na­ti­on with di­rec­tio­nal lu­mi­n­ai­res for good mo­del­ling and bril­li­an­ce on tex­ti­les. The ex­cep­tio­nal ef­fi­ci­en­cy of the range of LED Quint­es­sence re­ces­sed lu­mi­n­ai­res in con­nec­tion with good vi­su­al com­fort made for a con­vin­cing ar­gu­ment.LED Lighting Project: GANT flagship store_9

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Lighting tools used

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ERCO track

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Quint­es­sence squa­re


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LED Lighting Project: GANT flagship store
Topics: Lighting