Football fans of the University of Michigan kicked off the 2011 season enjoying a new look to Michigan Stadium, now complete with newly upgraded scoreboards from Lighthouse Technologies. The state-of-the-art video displays and scoring ...
Flooding in Thailand appear to have done major damage to some of the country’s plastics processors, according to reports emerging from machinery suppliers with sizable business there. Tokyo-based Toshiba Machine Co. Ltd., for example, ...
Tags: plastics processor
DO you know of any street lights which are not working? As the nights draw in and the clocks are due to go back this weekend, council engineers are asking for the public to keep an eye out for faulty street lights. Typically ...
Tags: Street light
DO you know of any street lights which are not working? As the nights draw in and the clocks are due to go back this weekend, council engineers are asking for the public to keep an eye out for faulty street lights. Typically around 99 per ...
Tags: Market View, Street light
Street lights — they're one of those things we take for granted as we drive to and from our homes at night, unless we live way, way out in the country.But for the residents of the Edgeway Mobile Home Park, "lights on" last week was a ...
Tags: Street light
Street lights — they're one of those things we take for granted as we drive to and from our homes at night, unless we live way, way out in the country.But for the residents of the Edgeway Mobile Home Park, "lights on" last week was a ...
Tags: Market View, Street light
LED street lights are being removed from five locations across Bermuda after a pilot scheme found the energy-saving lights weren’t up to scratch. Government and BELCO have been working on a six-month trial, which saw a total of 68 ...
Tags: Street light
LED street lights are being removed from five locations across Bermuda after a pilot scheme found the energy-saving lights weren’t up to scratch. Government and BELCO have been working on a six-month trial, which saw a total of 68 ...
Tags: Market View, Street light
A PROGRAMME to replace street lights in Lyme Regis will continue at the end of October following delays. Following enquiries from local residents asking why the replacement had stopped, Councillor Lorna Jenkin contacted Scottish and ...
Tags: Street light
Some residents of a Wisconsin city aren’t happy about the community’s latest cost-saving move. Clintonville city leaders had to come up with $357, 000 in budget cuts. They came up with an idea to turn off some streetlights ...
Tags: Street light
Although CFLs are an excellent source of energy-efficient lighting, they are not always the best choice for all lighting applications. Here are a few limitations to consider: On/Off cycling: CFLs are sensitive to frequent on/off cycling. ...
Tags: Compact fluorescent lamp, energy saving lamp, Learning Center
CFLs are available in a variety of styles or shapes. Some have two, four, or six tubes. Older models, and specialty models, have separate tubes and ballasts. Some CFLs have the tubes and ballast permanently connected. This allows you to ...
Tags: Compact fluorescent lamp, energy saving lamp, Learning Center
Nowadays, Many outdoor LED displays on the market are built using SMD technology— A trend that is now extending to the outdoor market. The SMD pixel consists of red, green, and blue diodes mounted in a single package, which is then ...
Tags: Learning Center, led display, trend
Light switches that light up when the main light is off can cause problems with CFLs. Illuminated light switches work by passing some of the current through the switch to light it up when the switch is off, and that tiny amount of current ...
Tags: Compact fluorescent lamp, energy saving lamp, Learning Center
Light switches that light up when the main light is off can cause problems with CFLs. Illuminated light switches work by passing some of the current through the switch to light it up when the switch is off, and that tiny amount of current ...
Tags: Energy Saving Lamp