Working in collaboration with LioniX International BV of Enschede, The Netherlands, researchers at the University of Twente’s MESA+ research institute have developed what is claimed to be the most narrowband diode laser on a chip, ...
Tags: Narrowband Laser, Netherlands
Rearchers in China claim the first radio frequency (RF) switch device based on indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs)-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technology [Zhou Jiahui et al, J. Semicond. 2016, vol37, ...
Tags: InGaAs MOSFET RF switch
There's no shortage of solar-powered chargers and rugged cases for your mobile. But the RokPak combines the two. It lets you charge your phone using the power of the sun, while keeping your handset safe and sound in a rugged, ...
Tags: RokPak, Solar-powered chargers, Rugged cases, Drybox
Low market demands in the past few months has driven Taiwanese LED manufacturer Harvatek to explore innovative LED technologies including forming a partnership that includes teaming up with Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI) to ...
Tags: Harvatek, LEDtextile, LEDattire, LEDthread, TTRI
After her last year’s breakthrough innovation, Wearable Solar, Dutch fashion designer Pauline van Dongen has come up with a revamped version titled Solar Shirt that combines not only the high-tech advantage of charging a smartphone ...
Tags: Wearable Solar, T-shirt features, Apparel
GE Lighting has launched a navigation system that enables retailers to communicate with customers through their smartphones using LED lighting. This smart-shopping system from GE Lighting and US startup ByteLight allows retailers to send ...
Tags: GE Lighting, Smart-Shopper Market
The European Union took another step on Thursday towards the mandatory introduction of a common mobile phone charger, which could power-up all makes of handsets. The European Parliament in Strasbourg voted in favour of draft legislation ...
Tags: mobile phone charger, connector
According to new research from Cisco, worldwide mobile data traffic will increase 13-fold over the next four years, exceeding the amount of data initiated over fixed lines by three to one by 2017. Cisco estimates that mobile data traffic ...
Tags: mobile data, fixed lines, 2017
Analysts are sounding a proverbial death knell for e-readers,which have declined 36%in 2012 as buyers turned instead to multi-use tablets. Both IHS Suppli and IDC recently issued dire warnings,if not obituaries,for e-readers.IHS said ...
GPS navigators are to blame for the majority of bridge-strike accidents caused by trucks too tall to safely pass, according to information released by U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY). The Senator is calling on the Department of ...
Tags: GPS navigators, GPS, bridge-strike accidents, D-NY, federal standards
20 June 2012 Avago launches wireless products for3G/4G small-cell base stations and portable GPS systems Avago Technologies(which supplies wireless components for cellular base stations,macrocells,other communications subsystems,and ...
Tags: Avago, wireless products, GPS systems