Folding chairs have been slowly evolving from those 1970′s traditional designs that we are so used too.I am sure you remember or even still use the hard plastic,not very stylish folding chair that everyone dreads sitting on.Don't worry,the world of old,ugly folding chairs is almost over.So get ready for the new,sleek modern folding chair,because here they come!
Red Flux Folding Chair
Outstanding designs that offer comfortable seating?You may find yourself thinking that couldn't possibly be a folding chair.But it is,in fact color,style and a wide array of folding possibilities have opened up the doors for origami designs,a rainbow of colors and so much more.
Fifi Folding Chair
Folding chairs,although usually used as temporary fixtures to entertain,can bring chic elements and style into your home that your guests will feel privileged to sit in.
The Biombo Chair by designer Daniel Milchtein Peltsverger
Desile Folding Chair
Nina Bruun's Fold Chair