Trade Resources Industry Trends Turkey's Rebar Exports Totaled 645,571 Tons in August,Falling by 3.5% M-O-M

Turkey's Rebar Exports Totaled 645,571 Tons in August,Falling by 3.5% M-O-M

According to statistic released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), the country's rebar exports totaled 645,571 tons in August, falling by 3.5% from a month ago. In August, the rebar exports made to the US totaled 49,005 tons, falling from 79,792 tons in a month ago; those made to United Arab Emirates (UAE) were at 179,234 tons, jumping from 60,939 tons in July.

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Turkey's Rebar Exports Fall by 3.5% M-O-M in August