Screen shot from Selling Your Store's Credit Plan
The Furniture Training Company announced that a new online selling skills series, Selling Your Store's Credit Plan, is now available on the Furniture Training Company's subscription web site. This series consists of three interactive and engaging training modules with confidence building worksheets and graded tests that show associates' how-to introduce, present the benefits, and close more sales using their store's in-house financing programs. A sales associate recently completing the training said, "Of all the courses I have completed, I believe Selling my Store's Credit Plans to be the most beneficial."
Mark Lacy, President of The Furniture Training Company says, "Most furniture stores have great in-house credit solutions but few have associates with the selling skills necessary to effectively introduce and close credit sales. This new training series shows salespeople how to introduce without fear or apprehension the many valuable in-house financing options their store offers. Once a salesperson masters the skills for selling furniture on credit, they can over night increase their closing rate and boost the size of their average sale."
The Selling Your Stores Credit Plan series is part of the continually expanding library of online furniture training resources at the subscription web site. Like the other 200+ training modules and resources available on the web site, these new modules consist of fully narrated interactive audio-visual presentations, performance-changing activities, and graded tests. Store owners and managers can monitor 24/7 associate training progress and test scores.
About The Furniture Training Company: The Furniture Training Company web site is the largest provider of sales training in the home furnishings industry. Since 2001, FTC has provided selling skills, product knowledge, room design basics, and motivational coaching for over 600 retailers with 11,000 salespeople worldwide, from small single-store independents to large retail furniture chains and department stores. RC Willey, Dufresne's, Blackledge, LFD Furniture, Freedom Furniture and Electronics, Chariho Furniture, Leader's Casual Furniture, Hank's Furniture, McGregor's Furniture, Continental Furniture, Dearden's, and Olinde's, are just a few of the retailers that have subscribed their salespeople to the web site. Live data-tracking shows 94% of associates enrolled have increased their furniture sales by 10 to 25 percent. Access to the entire web site is just $20.00 a month.