Every project goes better with the right tools. Gardening is no different. The tools you should acquire when getting started fall into two important categories. The first group encompasses those implements that will allow you to turn the soil, prune plants, and keep them watered. The second set of tools will make you more comfortable while you work. Here is a brief list of the tools that will directly contribute to healthier plants, more blossoms, larger bell peppers, etc. 1. A large shovel. This indispensable tool allow you to turn the soil each spring to a depth of up to six inches, which is essential for deeper rooted plants like tomatoes and roses. In addition, you will use it to dig the larger holes required when planting bushes or trees, or to shovel compost or manure onto your garden bed. 2. A hand spade or trowel. This little shovel is just right for digging the holes required to plant bulbs or perennial and annual flowers started in containers. It is also useful for loosening the dirt around bushes and large plants when you want to add compost to the soil. Loosening the dirt will allow nutrients from the compost to get down into the roots when you give the garden a good watering, or when nature does it for you. 3. A garden hoe. This versatile tool is used to loosen the dirt along garden rows, so weeds can be easily removed. It also comes in handy when outlining rows for transplants or seeds in the spring. Be sure to purchase a long-handled hoe, since doing the work on your feet will likely be easier than doing it on your knees with a smaller hoe. 4. Gardening shears. Use these big scissors to prune plants in the fall, so that spring growth will be more robust and produce more blossoms or fruit. Also employ them whenever damage or disease affects a bush or tree. Prune away all the affected branches, so the issues do not spread to the unaffected areas of the healthy plant. 5. A gardening rake. This rake is smaller than a leaf rake, and features tough metal prongs suitable for loosening dirt between rows, raking in compost below a superficial level, and leveling your freshly tilled garden bed. 6. A garden hose or watering can. If you choose a hose to water your garden, be sure to have a nozzle on it that slows the flow of water so that it comes out gently. Lots of water coming out of a hose at high pressure can dig into soil, displacing dirt and possibly damaging roots. It may also damage leaves and forming fruits. Now, here are a few items that will make things more comfortable for you when working in the garden. 1. A Quality pair of gloves. Leather is recommended, since cloth may allow thorns and sharp branches to penetrate. Good gloves will also protect your hands from blisters, broken nails, and calluses. 2. A kneeling pad. Your garden and surroundings might contain sharp rocks or roots that won’t feel very good on your knees. And if you want to keep your pants cleaner, this tool will come in quite handy. Knee pads that you pull on or apply with straps are another option. Don’t forget a sun hat if you choose to garden when the sun is out and high in the sky. Using this list of tools, armed with a great design for your flower or vegetable garden, will enhance your chances for enjoyment and success in all your green-thumb endeavors! Source: newsolio.com