Whether you like Harper or not, the man hasn’t exactly done a whole lot for the environment. Unfortunately, this trickles down to all us humble subordinates. I am looking at bigger cars than I used to, gas mileage is not so much of a factor. I am thinking “Oh, well, it’s not a big deal”. But wait a minute – where is did the green mind go that I once was?? Having studied environmental economics, I should know better than that!
There is no question, somebody will have to pick up the tap for our wasteful lifestyle. And here it is, the little flame inside me that is barely burning still, telling me we need to leave a somewhat intact world to our kids. And I guess that little flickering makes me discover things once in a while, that seem worthy to note and share.
Of course, it has to do with patio furniture! Well, it ain’t gonna save the world. A little step though in the right direction and a good example for our children, neighbours, friends. Patio furniture made from plastic out of the ocean. Each year millions of tons of plastic bottles and the like end up in the seas. Some of it will be washed up on a shore. The caribbean resort that you stayed at last time probably had all that garbage removed by the time you had enjoyed your breakfast and headed for a morning swim at the beach.
Re-using these plastics is a great idea, of course. Re-purposing materials saves on resources, which are valuable assets, so why not treat them like that. In particular, plastic is made from oil derivatives and we wouldn’t otherwise waste that, right? Hm, I am a little torn now, because I really like that new Range Rover…
So here’s your chance to be your better self. If you need new outdoor furniture, this is certainly a green alternative. The environment will thank you with a smile every time you use it and the odds of your kids and grand children growing up on an intact planet are ever so slightly better.