Trade Resources Industry Knowledge The Introduction of Safety Gates

The Introduction of Safety Gates

Once babies get mobile, they can make her way into all sorts of places as they build their gross motor skills. And whether toddlers are  walking or crawling, they’re raring to go – and may go where they shouldn't. Enter the safety gate, a physical barrier that keeps your child within a safe zone in your home and away from dangerous areas like staircases.

How to Buy Safety Gates

You have two options: a hardware-mounted gate that you attach to surrounding walls or door frames with screws, or a pressure-mounted gate that relies on pressure to stay in place.

Hardware-mounted models usually take longer to set up than pressure-mounted gates and may even cost more, but they're sturdier and are the only safe option at the top and bottom of staircases. Pressure-mounted gates are great for doorways, where they fit easily.

What to look for when buying
Opens easily: Most hardware-mounted gates swing open, but some pressure-mounted gates don't (usually the basic models). You may think that hopping over the gate isn't such a hassle, but wait until your hands are full and you're in a hurry. Weary parents don't need another obstacle to trip over.

Slats no more than 2 3/8 inches apart: If the gate has vertical slats, the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) recommends that they be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. A child's head could get trapped in a larger gap, leading to strangulation.

Safety standards: If the baby gate you're considering doesn't have an American Society for Testing and Materials/JPMA certification on the packaging, keep shopping. Only models with this seal are guaranteed to meet voluntary safety standards. Don't rely on the manufacturer's name alone. A company may certify some but not all of its products.

Fit: Most gates will block an average doorway. If you have a larger area to protect, make sure you get a gate that stretches farther or has interlocking sections to encircle a bigger hazard.

Important safety notes
Don't use older, accordion-style gates that open to form large diamond-shaped gaps. A child's head can get stuck in these spaces, creating a potentially deadly situation. The earlier designs were pulled off the market in 1985, but they sometimes turn up in secondhand stores and garage sales. More recent models have smaller gaps – no more than 1 1/2 inches across – that meet current safety standards.

What it's going to cost you
Prices for safety gates vary widely depending on quality and size – usually from about $50 to several hundred dollars.

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How to Buy Safety Gates