Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using soft materials—textiles, leather, industrial fabrics, and composite materials—is pleased to announce the appointment of Tania Garcia as ...
Tags: Lectra, soft materials, textiles, leather, industrial fabrics
Eco fashion brand Rapanui is looking to partner with new stores and distributors. The award winning brand has launched a new collection of new prints tops, sweats and accessories made entirely from organic, natural fabrics in a wind-powered ...
Tags: new partner, Rapanui, fashion brand, fresh design
Brazilian beef firm JBS has entered into an agreement that will see its US business assume operational control of the Canadian operations of XL Foods, the company at the centre of a large-scale food scare. JBS USA will take management of ...
Tags: beef, large-scale, food safety recall, e.coli bacteria
Computerworld - The Windows division's share of Microsoft's revenue last quarter dropped to a four-year low as Windows 7 sales stalled before the launch of Windows 8, financial data released by Microsoft yesterday showed. The Windows and ...
The European Union (EU) has granted CE mark to Alpha Orthopaedics' AT3 System, designed for relieving pain associated with tendinosis and fasciosis. Using non-invasive ReleF technology, the device delivers RF energy and by its cooling ...
Tags: Pain Relieving System, CE, EU, AT3 System
A fifth of lost electronic devices have access to work email,exposing confidential corporate information,a Sophos survey has revealed. Some 42%of lost devices do not have any basic security measures in place,according to a survey ...
Tags: electronic devices, work email, security, Sophos
Sony has given investors a more accurate breakdown of the 10,000 job cuts it announced earlier this year. The company admitted it would be slashing the workforce at its Japanese headquarters by 20%,along with 20%of its home entertainment ...
Tags: Sony, job cuts, Minokamo, mobile handsets
Macy's detailed the first phase of the retailer's implementation of its Millennial initiative by announcing the rollout or expansion of more than 20 brands for its Macy's mstylelab (primarily serving customers ages 13 to 22) and Impulse ...
Tags: retailer, shopping environment, brands
Building upon its solid performance this year, Gap Inc. announced a new global brand structure designed to fuel the company's long-term growth. Gap Inc.'s five brands and over 3,200 stores are currently located in more than 40 countries ...
During the 1st Denim Premiere Vision Asia show, that it is being held in Shanghai on 23nd and 24th October, Jeanologia, the world leader in garment finishing with sustainable processes, will be presenting its innovative production model to ...
China's biggest producer and distributor of down clothing, Bosideng International Holdings awaits response of London's customers, before it can carry forward its plan of opening stores in Milan and New York. The company, which ...
Tags: down clothing, flagship, high-class tailoring, down-padded jackets
Apple yesterday started scrubbing most Macs of older Java browser plug-ins,a move that will force users to download the software from Oracle.The company also patched Java for OS X,the second time Apple synchronized its Java security update ...
Tags: Apple, older Java browser plug-ins, Oracle, Snow Leopard
Manufacturer of label and packaging paper Brigl & Bergmeister has commissioned Austria-based Andritz in order to build a film press at Papirnica Vevče in Vevče, Slovenia for the PM5. This will enable Austia-based Brigl & ...
Tags: label, packaging, paper machine, expand annual capacity
US-based Celsius, the creator and marketer of Celsius drink, announced the unveiling of a newer packaging for the company's ready-to-drink supplement line. The new package design with a completely revamped look, which begins shipping in ...
Tags: drink, packaging, ready-to-drink, supplement line, new package design
The Rezidor hotel group, which owns Radisson, Missoni and Regent hotels, will switch all of its lighting to LED sources by the end of next year. The group, which owns over 420 hotels worldwide and over 50 in the UK, will change all of the ...
Tags: Rezidor hotel group, Radisson hotel, Missoni hotel, Regent hotel